Calling all foodies who need a bit of pampering! (And isn’t that everyone?!) You’re going to love learning about Trisha, the maker behind The House on White Oak. Her avocado bath bomb looks good enough to eat (but please don’t!) and her peppermint mocha bath bomb is even more refreshing than a trip to your favorite coffee shop. Ready to pamper your honey? This Oatmeal and Honey gift set is un-bee-lievably relaxing. We can’t wait to share the maker behind The House on White Oak with you today!
Hi Trisha! Thank you for sharing your story with us today! Can you please tell everyone a little about yourself?
I am a military wife whose husband is an active duty Air Force. We’ve lived all over the world (Japan, Germany and now San Antonio). We have two beautiful autistic children. I’ve been to over 20 different countries and traveling is where my heart lies. My favorite travel activity is trying out different foods and seeing how they’re made. This has influenced a lot of my work. Which includes realistic-looking food bath art. Like our avocado bath bombs, s’mores bubble bars and soon our fall release of waffle series.

You’re speaking my love language with foodie travel. Those foodie bath bombs sound so fun! This past year has been a tough one. Can you share something good that has come out of this time?
The last year has been incredibly hard for our family. We experienced multiple losses to include one of our children. But this has reconnected our family on an emotional level and strengthened us in a way I never thought possible. A lot of families fall apart and I am incredibly proud of how my husband and I were able to persevere. We’ve focused on one another, did a little bit of traveling and spent some much-needed time together. I’ll never forget this time we’ve had together.
I am so sorry for your loss and inspired by your strength. ❤️
Tell us about The House on White Oak! Is there a special meaning behind the name?
The House on White Oak was named after the house I grew up in. I had a traumatic childhood and when I was eight, the courts finally ruled that I could live with my father and (the woman I now consider my mother) his wife. They moved into a house once they received custody of me. And for the first time in my life I had stability and unconditional love. The house they purchased and that my parents lived in for nearly twenty years was on White Oak Street. It had a green door and I loved that house. Even with its ups and downs. I was not the easiest child! So with that in mind, I wanted to create something that was precious to me. A feeling of home that I received when I lived in that house. It was warm, soft and comforting. This is what I try to put into my work. Even five years later, I still think back on that feeling I had that entire first year living in The White Oak House and try to emulate that within my work.

That’s a beautiful way to honor your parents and the home they created for you! What advice would you give a young artist?
My favorite bit of advice to give is to always do what makes you happy. Even if what you’re currently doing isn’t what makes you happy any longer. Change can be scary, but happiness should never be placed on the back burner.
That’s great advice! What is your favorite part of your job?
I love being so creative. I get to express myself and use all those hard earn college hours to good use! Who knew that silly art degree would be worth it eventually.

Good for you using that art degree; we love what you create! What’s the most recent show you binge-watched?
I must admit I have fallen into the K-Drama trap. I like how the stories are focused on the plot and you’re never left wondering what happens next. Most are wholesome too and I like that.
I love that! Now I’ve got something new for my to-watch list! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us today, Trisha! We’re so glad you’re a maker at Mosaic Makers Collective!
Want to learn more about our makers or shop The House on White Oak? Check out these additional resources:
- Visit our shop in the Bishop Arts District
- Meet more of our Mosaic Makers on the Blog