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Meet the Maker: LulaMade Biscotti

Meet the Maker: LulaMade Biscotti

Today, we’re continuing our Meet the Makers series with Zoe from LulaMade Biscotti. The only thing more satisfying than a warm mug of coffee or tea is pairing it with handmade biscotti in unique flavors like red velvet and pumpkin spice! We love the delicious biscotti Zoe makes and can’t wait to share her sweet journey with you!

Hi Zoe! Thanks for sharing your story with us today. Can you tell everyone a little about yourself?

My name is Zoe Horton, and I’m the owner/operator of LulaMade Biscotti. Baking biscotti was a family pastime of mine thanks to my Yia Yia’s (grandmother) Paximathia (Greek name for biscotti) recipe. Despite coming from an entrepreneurial family and often baking for loved ones, I hesitated to formally expand. The birth of my daughter, LulaMae, inspired me not only to create a legacy for her but to also refind myself. As difficult as it is to be an entrepreneur, it’s an incredibly creative and therapeutic process!

We’re so glad you took the leap to share your family pastime with the world! 2020 was a tough year. Can you share something good that has come out of this time?

I have a very hard time releasing control but with schools shut down, limited supplies and time constraints, I recognized the need to delegate in the early spring. I prioritized tasks and distributed work to an amazing assistant. This freed me up to further recipe experiment, prospect, market and of course spend time with my family. This reallocation of time and resources was instrumental in growing the business over 30% this year while also saving my sanity!

Well done! It can be scary to change things up, but delegation can make the biggest difference! Tell us about LulaMade! What do you make and how long have you been doing it?

The business is named LulaMade Biscotti, and yes we make biscotti and only biscotti! The name is a play on my daughter’s name – LulaMae. I have been baking biscotti casually for over a decade but professionally for two years.

What a sweet way to involve your daughter in the legacy you’re creating for her! What are you most proud of?

A few years ago, my husband asked me about professional goals. My immediate answer was “to see something I created on the stands.” When I look at our carefully crafted boxes on a market shelf, the mini packs by a retailer’s cash wrap or a slice at tea service, it still makes my heart stop. I have that feeling of “wow, I really did it!”

You sure did! And you should be so proud of all that you’ve accomplished! What advice would you give a young artist?

Research, Research, Research – now sell! Get your business/legal ducks in a row, craft your branding, find a price point – then do it! Even if it means keeping the 9-5 and working on your project on a smaller scale, don’t let the dream pass you by because it never felt like the perfect time.

Great advice! One last question: What’s the most recent show you binged on Netflix?

Not Shocking – Queen’s Gambit! My dreams are now full of chic chess boards and Parisian clothing!

We love that show, too! Who would’ve thought 2020 would start with Tiger King and end with Queen’s Gambit!? Thanks so much for sharing the story of LulaMade Biscotti with us! We’re so glad to have you as part of the Mosaic Makers Collective!

Want to learn more about our makers or shop LulaMade Biscotti?  Check out these additional resources: 

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